Saturday, March 2, 2013

Final update on here :)

Hey everyone! if you're still subscribed on here (i'm not sure how to log into google friend connect anymore because it redirects me all over the place) I wanted to send out an e-mail to those who are subscribed to me..

that I've moved to Wordpress! So if you go to now, it'll look completely different! I have my other blog on there and loved it so much i made the  jump to move this blog on there too.. it was a great decision for me.. so much easier to use and i love how you are able to customize every little thing to your liking.. not like you can't do that on blogger.. but I just ended up liking wordpress a bit more..

so if you were subscribed to the which was on blogger.. it's going to stop redirecting and it'll be at this old (and my first blog)

I'm not going to update here anymore (obvious reasons).. but will leave all my posts on here while i'm still transitioning all the pictures etc to wordpress..

if youre wondering.. yes I did transfer it all by myself! it was really easy and would do it again (and actually am planning to do it to worldformoms.. we're just in the process of rebranding lol)

alrighty then.. feel free to update your feeds/subscriptions to the new and improved

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Hi Everyone!

Hey All! :) I hope you all are enjoying your week so far. I know going back to work/school after a great 3 day weekend can be hard.

My past few months have been as busy as ever! Even a trip to the hospital for SophieBear (She had Bronchiolitis & RSV) so we've been extremely busy over here..

also I've now got less than 30 days until I'm finished with my 100k Challenge on I know I have not posted any recent pictures of my body and some people have been asking, but I will leave that to the end of the challenge and also post that on my personal weightloss journey blog here:

for extra added motivation, I have joined/made my own dietbet as mentioned in previous post which you are more than welcome to join! 

I'm trying to get back into blogging/vlogging because I really do miss it! I will start slow of course as I have so many projects I'm working on right now.. 

I have a LOT of product review for you all.. both beauty and fitness.. the fitness portion I will share here and on my personal fitness blog (

If you guys didn't know, my Husband Christian is now a Certified Personal Trainer through NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine).. I will be following in his footsteps very soon.. and have a LOT of new ideas this year! 

so just wanted to let you all know I'm alive and kicking LOL.. I will have a beauty review up soon (as that's the easiest for me to do lol)

Catch me here:
@BeautyAndBrute // @FitMomXtine



My personal weightloss/fitness blog:


Catch Xtian Here:




Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Join my DietBet! :)

Hey All! I hope you all are doing well and staying amazing!

I've been so terribly busy with nursing school, work, kids and family I haven't had time to blog as much as I'd like.. I'm hoping to get some time to do some beauty videos and tutorials (I have a TON lined up already).. in the next coming weeks.. so stay tuned my fellow beauty junkies!

Today I wanted to share... as most of you know, I'm on a Quest to lose weight.. I have 39 days left in the 100k challenge I entered back in December.. I'm down 11lbs and have 11lbs left to lose (which is what I set my goal at)..

I won't bore you all with too much of that (I will however inform you that i'm starting a new website STRICTLY for my weightloss journey - so if you're interested in that, please comment below and i'll fill you in as I go)

But for those that are interested in losing weight and wanting the extra added motivation to do so, I encourage you to join my Diet Bet!

What is DietBet?


DietBet is a game where you've got 4 weeks to lose 4% of your starting weight. To begin, everyone puts money into the pot. After four weeks, whoever's hit their 4% goal is a winner and splits the pot.
All information and how it works, can be found here:
Please join! It'll be fun!

FTC: I am NOT being financially compensated to host this game. I was however asked by a PR of DietBet to start a game if I was interested. For those that know me, I am VERY much into fitness and hence the reason why I wanted to join/start my own game and share with you all! I'm NOT being paid to do this/post this and I am NOT Sponsored by

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

2013 LA Fit Expo Update!

I'm terribly sorry for the lack of updates, but as most of you know Christian is one of the finalists for the 2013 Bodyspace Spokesmodel contest.

We are so excited and thrilled that he's made it this far! So thank you all so much for the support! If any of you are going to the LA Fit Expo (it's the same weekend as IMATS *Cries*) Christian will be on stage! :) for the first time, yay!

So we've just been super busy this past month and last month (well ever since he found out he was a finalist) just preparing for everything.. and of course school (mine and our kids), Baby Sophia, and Work.. it's been killer but I know this will all be worth it!

I do want to mention, there will be some makeup videos in the works (Like a Lorac Pro Palette tutorial that was requested, a huge massive collective haul that was also requested) and some fitness videos too.. because I am still in the 100k Body Transformation challenge! I entered December 23rd and my end date is March 17! So i've been working hard on my body to get it to where I want it to be.. 

I know it's only been 1 month but i'm proud to say i've healthily and safely lost 6lbs! :) My goal was to lose a total of 22lbs for this challenge.. but I really am hoping to lose 30lbs in total (my real ultimate goal) I know some of you are like wth?! 30lbs is too much, but seriously i'm 5'0 and my current weight is definitely not where it should be and where I want it to be.. 

So thank you everyone for being so patient and supporting us! truly appreciate all the love and support from our friends, family and blogger/twitter/FB/IG friends! :) you guys ROCK!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Quick Vlog! My NEW 12 week weight loss journey has begun!

Hi Everyone! this challenge couldn't have happened at a better time! :) 

When I entered the last transformation challenge (back in april - ended in July) my 3rd baby was 3 months old and i guess that's also why I didn't lose as much fat as I had wanted.. but I'm hoping now that she's 9 months, all those extra hormones etc that was holding onto fat for my baby (while i was breastfeeding at the time).. is gone and my body is now ready for some serious transformation.

so with that said, today i started off my workout (since this past week been going hard at the gym)

Decided to shoulders and some cardio..

Barbell Shoulder Press
45lbs x 8 (warm up)
45lbs x 5
45lbs x 5
45lbs x 5
65lbs x 5
65lbs x 5

Rear Delt Raise:
7.5lbs x 10
7.5lbs x 10
7.5lbs x 10
7.5lbs x 10

Side Lateral Raise:
7.5lbs x 12
7.5lbs x 12
7.5lbs x 12

Front Dumbbell Raise:
7.5lbs x 12
7.5lbs x 12
7.5lbs x 12

Upright Dumbbell Rows:
15lbs x 10
15lbs x 10
15lbs x 10
Standing Dumbbell Military Press:
15lbs x 10
15lbs x 10
15lbs x 10

Incline Bench Front Dumbbell Delt Raises:
7.5lbs x 10
7.5lbs x 10
7.5lbs x 10

Then after that did 30 mins of HIIT..
30 sec sprints on and off for a whole 30 mins.. i was dunzo!

That concluded my workout for this morning.. might come back later tonight! who knows :P

Merry Xmas Eve everyone! Happy Holidays!

Don't forget to check out my YouTube channel for ALL my video updates/vlogs etc etc etc! lol

Friday, December 21, 2012

The 411 Mommas Collab - Holiday Inspired Beauty/Fashion

Hi Everyone! can you believe it? a new video!

My very first collaboration video with some amazing Mommas from another channel that I do videos on, please check it out!

In this video, I did a simple smokey eye using golds and browns for a subtle holiday look :) Hope you enjoy! Don't forget to check out the other Mommas and subscribe :)

Please check out these amazing mommas videos:

TheZeeLee (Chrissie)

JustMeRache (Rachelle)

MommytipsbyCole (Nicole)

xogoxo (Grace)

JustJoanne (Joanne)

Khristine (ME!) BeautyAndTheBrute

The411Mommas Links:
You Tube -
Facebook -
Blog -
Twitter -
Pinterest -
Instagram -

Where to find me!
Mommy Forums:

Products Used in Video:
Revlon Photoready concealer in Light/Pale (For undereyes)
Revlon ColorStay concealer in Light/Medium (for blemishes/redness)
Laura Geller Balance & Brighten in Medium (Powder foundation)
MAC Studio Finish Concealer in NW25 (for highlighting eyebrows and eye base)
MAC Dainty Mineralized Blush (Apples of cheeks)
MAC Give Me Sun! MSFN (For Bronzer/Contouring)

MAC Goldmine (wet w/ MAC Fix + Spray) - On Lid
MAC Brownscript - Crease
MAC Handwritten - outter corner
MAC Dipdown - Outter corner
MAC Carbon - deepen the outter corner
Inglot AMC #77 Black Eyeliner Gel
Urban Decay 24/7 Eyeliner pencil in Perversion
L'Oreal Power Volume Collagen Mascara in Blackest Black (waterproof)

MAC Dipdown fluidline
MAC Studio Finish Concealer in NW25
Sonia Kashuk Eyebrow pencil in Haze

MAC Soar Lipliner
MAC Myth Lipstick

Brushes Used:
Elf Kabuki Brush
Beauty Blender
MAC 242
MAC 224
MAC 263
MAC 116
Sonia Kashuk Bent Eyeliner brush
Real techniques base shadow brush
Crown C200 Deluxe Crease brush
Sigma E55
Sigma E21

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Friday, December 7, 2012

Xtian made it to Semi-Finals!

I just would like to take the time to thank everyone who voted for Xtian continuously throughout the month of November. It truly paid off because He made it to Semi-Finals!

There are 20 Men & 20 Women Semi-Finalists.. which next they are to do a 3-5 minute video about themselves (for everyone to get to know them better kind of deal).. and then pictures of course to see how their body is (to see how close they are for competition in January) From there, they will choose top 5 men and top 5 females to go to finals in January! We will find out on December 14th if he made it! please cross your fingers for us!

I'm so excited and of course proud of my Husband who has worked endlessly for his dreams!

Thank you all again for the support!

Wish us luck!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

House of Lashes :: Noir Fairy

A few days ago I had posted a picture of me using House of Lashes :: Noir Fairy lashes. I purchased them a few weeks ago because of my favorite MUA Julie - Pala foxxia on Youtube always uses them in her pictures.. so NO I'm not sponsored by them (i wish!) I just really like these particular lashes! and NO I was not sent these products to review etc.. I purchased with my own money!

So many people have asked me what lashes they are and where did I get it from etc etc.. so I promised I'd post about it!

Me using "Noir Fairy" Lashes from HouseofLashes!

And a closer look without the filters:

Noir Fairy Lashes :: Limited edition:
This amazing multi layered and multi tiered lash style is packed with as much density as the eye can hold. Noir Fairy makes your lashes the focal point and draws attention so much to your eyes, that you might be remembered as unearthly, supernatural and awesomely sublime!
100% guaranteed thickness, length and smoulder. Hand made from 100% cruelty-free synthetic hair. Retails for $18.00, they do have a 3 pack available for $50 (shipping is free on all orders over $25)

credit to

I Love how these lashes are really dense and can make your look ultra dramatic.. and it truly does draw attention to your eyes. My husband, when he saw me wearing these said my eyes looked super sexy and my eyelashes looked extra batty haha :D 

I'm not used to such thick eyelashes (i usually just wear the thin/natural ones) but these were great, easy to use and didn't bother me (lol and I did wear these with my glasses cause I was too lazy to put on contact lenses)..

Let me know if you get these and what you think of them! :)

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

First Impressions :: UD Naked Basics Palette

Hi Everyone! So I'm pretty sure most of you are aware that Urban Decay came out with their newest "matte" palette called the Naked Basics Palette. 

Their first MATTE palette, featuring six gorgeously Naked neutrals to build on or wear alone—including four never-before-seen shades.

picture I had posted on our Instagram Page

Retails: $27.00 
Description from the Website:
Naked Basics is more than just the long-awaited, multipurpose MATTE companion to Naked. It’s the palette EVERY woman needs in her beauty arsenal. With six stripped-down, Nakedly neutral shadows, it has everything you need for the perfect neutral matte eye—including four totally new and exclusive shades.

Use these shadows to contour, line and highlight to create the right amount of definition for any occasion. Or for the days when you’re craving more color, pair them with your fiercest, boldest shadows. Richer than other mattes, the color goes on with a smooth, luxe finish (never chalky or powdery). There’s even one demi-matte shade, Venus, which has the tiniest touch of satin—perfect for highlighting and adding dimension. 

While this palette is small, we loaded it with full-size shadow pans, just like our other Naked palettes. Every shade features our Pigment Infusion System™, a vehicle for color that holds tightly to pigment and gives the formula its glide. The proprietary blend of ingredients allows color to weave itself through the Eyeshadow formula. What does all that mean? Insane color payout. Color that stays on your lids. Sparkle that doesn’t fall. And velvety, suede-like smoothness and blendability. 

It all comes in a sleek compact (embossed with a pretty, metallic “NAKED” on the front) that has a slight sheen and a suede-like feel that practically begs to be touched. (Hello…how gorgeous will THAT look coming out of your bag?!) Best of all, the slim design is perfect for travel—so you’ll never have to be without these must-have shades.

What you see is what you get: Venus (soft, off-white demi-matte), Foxy (cream bisque matte), Walk of Shame (very light nude matte), Naked2 (taupe matte), Faint (warm, dusty brown matte) and Crave (deepest, darkest brown/black matte). 

Fill Weight: 6 x 1.3g e 6 x 0.05 US oz

And here are pictures & swatches:

This was their secret sample they gave out as well:
New Beauty Balm

I think this is a great palette. The size is awesome and very travel friendly. The packaging is quite sturdy which I love.. and as you can see from the photo above, it's tiny enough to fit in your purse. But don't let it's small size fool you! The pigmentation for such a tiny palette packs a punch. The shadows feel buttery and smooth like all of Urban Decay's eye shadows. This is a great palette to have because even though there are only 6 shades, you can still do quite a variety of looks.. from neutral/natural to downright smokey. 

I'll be posting some looks soon so you can see how versatile this small palette is. I know some people are like ehh, whatever with this palette.. but you can compare this palette to the other two (which I did a review & comparison HERE)

I really like this palette so far! so I'm really glad I got my grubby little hands on this.. it's perfect for me because I like doing neutral/natural looks, but I like how you can go into the darker colors to spice up your look. 

Did you get this palette? Are you going to? What are your thoughts? 

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Just a quick update! :D black friday, Sophie bear..

Hi Everyone! I can't believe November came and went.. just like most of this year!

Tomorrow is the last day to vote for Xtian, so please do if you haven't already! (you can vote everyday) Here is the LINK:

Like previous post, been super busy with School, Kids, Work and just life! trying to find time for myself has been hard, but been managing to go to the gym at least 2-3 times a week when I can.

I'm not going to lie, I Slipped from my strict diet after the Elite Ambition transformation challenge.. and After Thankgiving - that didn't help either.. can you believe I gained 10lbs! LOL.. so It's time to get back on track before Xmas comes! so I'm going to be back on my healthy eating regimen.. I'm tired of eating like crap these past couple months and it really shows in the gym (and of course physically) I mean i'm still a size 3, but i've gained the weight mostly in my abdominal area..

On a brighter note, Sophia Turned 8 months on November 16th.. and she's just a joy to have around! Her big sisters love her to pieces and love her company as we all do.

Also before I forget, I quickly wanted to mention I'm going to be selling Authentic MAC Makeup at discounted prices! I have just a few Holiday Sets left.. so if you're interested, please e-mail me! ( - for pricing and information) 

I have just a couple of these left & am offering other bundles too!

As for Black Friday - Did you all order anything? I wasn't going to buy anything (because of being broke, BUT! Thanks to me selling my other items on Poshmark  - I was able to get what I wanted!) 
Check out my PoshMark Closets <-- clothes="clothes" font="font"> <-- font="font" makeup="makeup">

Sedona Lace Vortex Brush Set
it was on sale for like 40 w/ brush belt (retails 70+)
Unfortunately mine is backordered until 1/1/2013 LOL.. it's okay i'll still get it!

Sugar Pill Heart Breaker Palette
Was on sale for 23 - retails for 35

I got some other stuff too from BH Cosmetics.. I'll do a haul video when I receive my items.. as well as Hubby & I got some stuff from (woot woot cute gym clothes for me! lol) and we'll either do a separate video for that or do a fitness faves video together..

I also was going to do a haul video on items I got in the beginning of the month, but I think i'll just add that to the collective Black Friday/Cyber Monday Haul.. yes? no? (comment below!)

Since I posted that picture above on Instagram, people said they wanted to see a Lorac Pro Palette tutorial, so I'm going to be doing that soon! I actually sold my Urban Decay Naked 2 palette and replaced it with this.. and I love, love, LOVE it! 

Please don't forget to subscribe to our YT Channel for our latest and greatest videos :P

And you can also find us here for faster and more recent updates!

P.S. If you'd like to request ANY type of videos, please don't hesistate too!

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