**Super Set
- Wide Grip Pullups (assisted)
3 sets of 12 reps
3 sets of 12 reps
3 sets of 12 reps
- Russian Twist
3 sets of 12 reps
3 sets of 12 reps
3 sets of 12 reps
**Super Set
- Seated Cable Rows
40lbs x 15
40lbs x 15
40lbs x 15
- Low Pulley Row to Neck (Rope Attachment)
30lbs x 15
20lbs x 15
20lbs x 15
~~ Immediately after did Reverse Crunches (3 sets of 25 reps) then started right back at the cable rows..
**Super Set
- Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown
40lbs x 15
40lbs x 15
40lbs x 15
- Underhand Cable Pulldowns
30lbs x 15
30lbs x 15
30lbs x 15
~~ immediately after this exercise I did 3 sets of 15 crunches on an exercise ball.. afterwards started right back at the wide grip lat pulldown
** Super Set
- Standing Biceps Cable Curl
30lbs x 15
30lbs x 15
30lbs x 15
- Spiderman Pushups
3 sets of 15 reps
**Super Set
- Hammer Curls
10lbs (each hand) x 15
10lbs (each hand) x 15
10lbs (each hand) x 15
- Tuck Jumps
3 sets of 15
- Barbell Curl 21's
used 20lb barbell cause my arms were super dead at this point, didn't even know how I managed to finish this lol
3 sets of 21 reps..
for my "cardio" I did my cardio complex with My Husband.. had an awesome time!
For those wondering what my "cardio complex" is..
here's my video when I introduced it back in week 3
I only did 2 rounds of it but was happy i did it..
Had to get home to clean because my girlies were having their first sleep over with their cousins :) And of course the grown ups were havin' movie night! (my brother, his gf came over to watch it) and we decided to watch 21 jump street and wrath of the gods! Hubby went to the gym early this morning since the girls were all still sleeping.. I'm gonna go in later to workout shoulders, triceps and calves..
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